Credit Repair Steps

Chrome Haris Credit Repair

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Steps to Repair Credit

Our Credit Repair Service is Superior to most others because we tell you upfront what results to expect.
We give it to you in writing and keep you involved every step of the way with Client Portal Access.

In fact, once we agree on the right plan for you, we send the package to you so you see exactly what we did.

Credit Repair can make things a lot easier for you. Repairing bad credit is not easy, but you should repair your credit if you want to get back on your feet again. Our experience comes from dealing with the Courts and Credit Reporting Agencies on a daily basis as we search accuracy for judgments, liens, charge-offs, creditors, etc. In the same way, we use this information to collect the money we use this experience to correct and improve your credit report.

A. Steps to Repair your Credit:

1. Obtain Credit Report from all “3” Bureaus. Click this if you do not have a current report.

Verification Process
2. Review each one for the following;
a. Legal Name, alias names, misspelled name, etc.
b. Social Security Number accuracy.
c. Spouse information.
d. Bankruptcy. (is it yours, are all debtors listed, status/discharged, listed in Bk, etc.
e. Government Judgments.
f. Civil Judgments.
g. Creditors and debts that are not yours.
h. Duplicate entries
i. Creditor reporting accuracy such as; Account Balances,
Charge-offs, Repos.
j. Unauthorized credit inquiries.

B. Repair Process

We dispute 4 items every 35 days (preventing credit bureau from frivolous accusation)
3. Items 2a – c; Send a letter with proof to the “3 ” of your accurate info and ask them to correct it.

4. Bankruptcy (BK); Send a letter with proof of status Discharged etc. Be sure all creditors that were included in BK are listed as such.

5. Judgments; Are they marked paid if paid, were they in BK and so noted, Did file a motion and were granted an order removing the Judgment from Public Record. (if so this should be removed send a copy of the order to the “3”.

6. Creditors/accounts that are not yours;
a). Send letters to the creditor asking them for proof that it is yours or remove it from the report.
b). if they refuse, resend harsh letter c). If they refuse, send copies of all to the “3” to dispute.

7. Inaccurate Creditor Reporting; use the same method as step 6 above.

8. Unauthorized Credit Inquiries; Write a letter to all that you did not authorize ask for written proof that they were authorized or to remove it if they don’t have it. If they do not have it and refuse to remove it sent that proof to the “3”.

C. The Re-Confirmation Process

9. Sooner or later you will start getting replies to all the letters you sent. Now re-examine them to see what was corrected and what was not. Then send a demanding letter that they better fix it because you sent the proof.

10. You will have to do this with more then one of the “3” at least 2 or more times, the same goes for the creditors.

D. The Final Goal



C. IMPROVED CREDIT SCORE follows the above results.
* When sending letters limit 3 disputes per letter. If you have more then 3 disputes send them multiple letters with only three on a letter.

* All mailing should be sent certified return receipt.
Keep these in case you need proof that you made these disputes. You also have the option of making a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission.

If you find that you do not have the time of can’t be bothered with the relentless attention to detail visit our rates page and see what we can do for you.

Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, consumers are entitled to a free credit report annually. Federal law now also provides consumers with a toll-free number and Web site to obtain a free credit report from all three national credit agencies by making one contact:

Annual Credit Report Request Service
P.O. Box 105281
Atlanta, Georgia 30348-5281